Saturday, February 11, 2012

Thai Food + The Vow

So I've decided to start up this blog... and will be talking about everything from food to fashion. =) To start off, I went to the Sang Thai Restaurant in Port Coquitlam tonight (We had a $20 Groupon) and boy did it suck. The pad thai was the worst I've ever tried and the Thai Iced Tea was so tasteless. I am not sure if they decided to cheap out on the ingredients because we had a groupon or...? But I will not be revisiting. (the interior is nice though) Ima give this an F.

On the happier note, I went to the new VIP Cinemas at the Cineplex in Coquitlam! It was one of the coolest experiences. I thought the new AVX Theatre was cool but this was even cooler! First, You walk into a lounge that sells alcohol & wings as well as typical theatre food (popcorn and candy) and when you are ready for your movie, there is a private hallway that leads you to three theatres where you are able to go to your pre-signed seats. The seats are relatively large and are very comfortable (leather) and next to you is a table that swivels out. You are able to order food from the menu and eat in theatre (I ordered a virgin strawberry daiquiri). The front row even has foot rests! If you guys are planning to visit and are worrying about the seating, let me tell you, any seat in the theatre is a good seat because the theatre is small. All in all, It was great! Ima give this an: A!

So you are probably wondering... What did i watch at the VIP cinemas? "The Vow" of course! It came out 02/10/2012. I definitely recommend it! (PS. I was sniffling all throughout the movie haha)

By the way, I added a new OOTD video on my youtube channel!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you started the blog - I love thai food :) I also watched the Vow a few weeks back. As romantic as it was, I think it was more of a home movie than a theatre one :P
